Dr Yousef Alomi
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Website Design RecommendationsAfter reviewing the design above, how likely are you to explore the website? After reviewing the design above, how likely are you to explore the website?ChooseExtremely likely Very likelySomewhat likelyNot so likelyNot at all likelyDoes the website appear easy to navigate? Does the website appear easy to navigate?ChooseExtremely easy Very easy Somewhat easyNot so easyNot at all easy Does the website appear easy to navigate? Does the website appear easy to navigate?ChooseExtremely easy Very easy Somewhat easyNot so easyNot at all easy Does the website appear easy to navigate? Does the website appear easy to navigate?Not at all likely 12345678910Extremely Likely
After reviewing the design above, how likely are you to explore the website?
Does the website appear easy to navigate?