
Hospital Pharmacy Consultations  

Providing Health care and pharmaceutical Care consultations to private public and hospitals that include but are not limited to 

Clinical Pharmacy services 

Hospital Formulary System, 

Drug Evaluation Processes, 

Health Insurance Medications, 

Store Inventory and management, 

Drug Evaluation Utilization, 

Joint commissions of Hospital Accreditations Program, 

An electronic Prescriptions, 

Drug and Poisoning Information Center 

Pharmacy Information Technology Consultations 

It was providing pharmacy information technology consultations to governmental hospitals that include but not limited to 

computerized physician order entry, 

national electronic prescriptions, 

alerting medication system, 

electronic Hospital Formulary System, 

electronic Drug Evaluation Processes, 

Health Insurance Medications, 

electronic Store Inventory and management, 

Eelectronic pharmacy documentation system 

Online Drug and Poisoning Information Center 

Electronic  report of inventory control management 

Pharmacy Inventory Management Consultations 

Providing pharmacy inventory management of pharmaceutical products consultations to governmental and private hospitals that include but are not limited to 

pharmacy inventory management system, 

Ffollow up reports of inventory system. In addition, participation in the GCC medication tenders, 

NUPCO medication tenders, 

MOH internal tenders, and 

Negotiation with Drug Companies to increase the Profit and bonuses…

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